Let me introduce myself, my name is Dzaky Candy Fahrezy. I am a graduate of the Informatics Study Program, Amikom University, Purwokerto. While studying and participating in the Certified Independent Study program, I have skills in the fields of Fullstack Web Developer, Mobile Programming and Desktop Programming. I have also developed a website application that has received an IPR certificate from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Apart from that, I also have experience in dealing with problem solving in project work. I also have experience as a Project Manager in working on projects as a team. I am also used to building projects using the Laravel Framework and Code Igniter.
I developed this website application with my teammates. This project was built using the Laravel framework
I built this application project with my teammates and I act as project manager. This application was created to order travel tickets online.
This application is an Android mobile-based application created using the Dart language and the Flutter framework
This application is an Android mobile based game created using the C# language in Unity. This game is a fighting game that has different difficulty levels for each level
This project is a project to collect comment data on Twitter social media
This project is a sentiment analysis to see the results of positive and negative comments on Twitter